My personal preference is to emphasize cardio one day and resistance exercise the next. I do some form of cardio every day and also abdominal work every day. I never do strength building (or resistance exercise) on consecutive days.

This post will describe the benefits of these different forms of exercise and why it may be a good choice to include all of them at different times. It is also helpful to vary the equipment we use, the reps and sets and the exercise movements. This will help to prevent or overcome boredom or growth plateaus.


Benefits of cardiovascular exercise:

  • Improved cardiovascular health. Workouts such as running, cycling and swimming will enhance heart and lung function.
  • Weight management. Cardio is effective for weight loss or management by promoting the burning of calories.
  • Endurance. Cardio builds stamina and endurance over time.

Benefits of hypertrophy (strength training):

  • Muscle growth. The development of muscle size and strength.
  • Metabolic boost. Increased muscle mass can elevate metabolic rate, which aids in weight management.
  • Joint health. Strength training can enhance joint stability and reduce the risk of injuries.


Benefits of high reps/lighter weights:

  • Endurance. Builds muscular endurance, beneficial for activities requiring sustained effort.
  • Muscle definition. May contribute to a more “toned” appearance.
  • Less intense. Generally may benefit newcomers or those recovering from injuries.

Benefits of low reps/heavier weights.

  • Strength gain. Maximal force production leads to increased strength.
  • Hypertrophy. Stimulates muscle growth, especially when combined with healthy nutrition.
  • Time efficiency. Shorter workouts with heavier weights can yield the most effective results.

Mike Mentzer, picture below, was a noted proponent of short workouts with heavy weights and reps to failure. See my prior post on Mike.


Benefits of long walks:

  • Aerobic conditioning. Improves cardiovascular health and burns calories.
  • Joint-friendly. There is lower impact on joints, compared to high intensity sprints.
  • Stress reduction. Long walks can be meditative and may reduce stress levels.

Benefits of short sprints:

  • High intensity interval training. HIIT is effective for fat loss and cardiovascular fitness.
  • Time efficient. Short, intense bursts of exercise can produce significant benefits in a short period of time.
  • EPOC (Excess post exercise oxygen consumption). Can lead to a prolonged calorie burn after the workout.

Ultimately, the choice between these exercise forms depends on individual fitness goals, preferences and physical condition. A well rounded fitness routine may incorporate elements from each category for a comprehensive approach to health and fitness.


As an Amazon associate, I like to use their links when they relate to my articles. I may also earn from activity on the links by commissions from sales. This has no effect on the pricing.

Within all the links will be descriptions, pictures, reviews and suggestions for similar or complementary items.

NordicTrack treadmill – great for cardio, long or short. I use the brand shown here and have found it to be quite durable at a lower price than many others.

Adjustable dumbbells. Up to 50 pounds.

Light dumbbells set. 3, 5 and 8 lbs.

Heavy resistance bands. From 10 lbs. to 90 lbs. Less than $40.

Light loop bands. Less than $13.


When I was 18 years old and for several years thereafter, I used the heaviest barbells that I could manage for 6-8 reps – for basic exercises such as bench presses, bent over rows, military presses and curls. This was the period of my most conspicuous growth.

Now, as an octogenarian, I use resistance bands and Bullworker products (see my Bullworker link at the side of my website). I like high reps and lesser resistances. I do more cardio than strength building. I do lots of core reps with a medicine ball. See my prior post on medicine ball ab workouts.

Our needs and capabilities obviously change with age. Wherever we are in the workout spectrum, it helps to know what we are doing and how best to realize the benefits.

Please leave me any comments or questions in the “Comments” section below. Or email me, richard@myworkoutathome.com.

Let’s stay motivated!


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