But be sure to start now. Don’t wait until January1, 2023. New Year’s resolutions can be woefully ineffective. Why put off something productive to a future time?

If you found a hundred dollar bill, would you walk past it and come back for it another day? Or would you pick it up?

Here are some suggestions:

  • Set small goals – make them reasonable, attainable, specific and measurable
  • Be accountable – have a method of keeping track of your progress. More about this later.
  • Enlist the help of a workout partner or join a fitness group.
  • Begin with short workouts

If you are traveling during this season, it is quite possible to take workout equipment with you. Later, I will show some very effective equipment options that are quite portable.

I would never suggest that anyone should use the holiday period to starve themselves. Celebrate with your family and friends! But plan your food choices and try to relate your workouts to calories consumed. It’s a bit more challenging now, but it can be done. Mentally, accept that you may be eating more than usual. Don’t beat yourself up over this. But try to be moderate and be prepared to maintain your exercise routine.

This is no time to eat sloppily and do a lot of sitting around. Go outside for a brisk walk. You will be glad you did.

The remainder of this post will be more general and not specifically about the holiday season.


In a very recent article on Salma Hayek, I noticed that she did not subscribe to any typical routine at all. She does walk her dogs daily. Salma loves to dance and she enjoys swimming in oceans. She periodically uses dumbbells and often uses her treadmill. But she dances on the treadmill. Salma does what she enjoys, not what someone else may prescribe.

I thought about this and then reflected that I played basketball when I was much younger. Playing and practicing were demanding, but I never thought of this as work.

Later and for several decades, I played tennis. This was ACC tennis and later tournaments in North Carolina. My concerns were winning matches and being ranked, never about how many calories I burned.

Even weight lifting was mentally rewarding and thus enjoyable. I knew I was doing something to benefit my physical structure. I could see results.

It is not difficult to stay motivated with a program of exercise that we find enjoyable.


We need to “keep score” of our workout progress. The reasoning is similar to data collection for baseball – wins and losses, batting averages and other statistics. We need to know how we are doing. Also, we are motivated to enter flattering numbers.

Here are a couple of devices to help with that. These are from Amazon, since I am an Amazon affiliate. As an affiliate, I may benefit from activity on my links. Also, Amazon is known for reasonable pricing and excellent service.

Track Your Fitness Journal – check the many other options available from this link.

FitBit Versa 3 Health and Fitness Smartwatch with GPS – many other watches at different price points are shown from the link


i currently work out with dumbbells, Bullworker products, resistance bands with handles and loop resistance bands. My preference is to do short workouts before breakfast. I do physical therapy movements one day, bodybuilding exercise the next. At age 81, I don’t want to use heavy barbells or heavy equipment of any kind. I like high reps and lower resistance.

It is always refreshing to use different forms of resistance. This prevents boredom or burnout.
Here are some home equipment items that will produce good results:

Resistance bands with handles – you can do a full body workout

Loop resistance bands – I bought these recently to use for physical therapy, but was surprised by their versatility and their bodybuilding application. They were only $12.95.

Bullworker Steel Bow – isotonic and isometric applications. I use the Steel Bow and the Bow Classic


There are many forms of exercise that do not require any equipment at all. These include:

  • Push – ups
  • Planks
  • Lunges
  • Crunches or V-ups
  • Free squats

There are also these to enjoy:

  • Swimming
  • Dancing
  • Yoga
  • Tai Chi
  • Running, jogging, walking


When I think of Salma Hayek dancing or when I reflect on my experience playing sports, I am convinced that beneficial exercise programs need not be forms of drudgery,

Pick out something that you enjoy and, as Nike says, Just do it!

Here is a picture of what we do not want to become.

Disciplined workout programs, such as weight training or cardio activity, can become addictive and beneficially so. I rarely skip a scheduled workout and this has been true for decades.

This is not “fun”, as we might consider frivolity as fun, but neither was practicing basketball or tennis. It became a pleasant obligation – pleasant because the results were always forthcoming.

Please leave me any comments or questions in the “Comments” section below. Or email me, richard@myworkoutathome.com.

Be well and healthy! Happy holidays!



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