We aren’t always able to take advantage of the healing benefits of a professional massage. Quite a few of us may need massage more often than we can set up an appointment ….and professional massages are not cheap. (Though they are worth every penny).

I recently saw a picture of Tia-Claire Toomey using a hand held massager to work on her neck. Tia-Claire is a 6 time winner of the Crossfit Games and is considered the fittest woman on earth. See my prior post on Tia-Claire. She is an amazing Australian lady, now living in Tennessee. She is shown below.

Tia might have set up a massage appointment or maybe her husband Shane might have treated her to a massage, but she likes hand held massage tools. With the intensity of her workouts – super intensity, just check the link to my earlier post – she may need to relax and nurture her muscles more often than most.


Hand held massage tools can help us in these ways:

  • Tension relief – blood flow in the targeted areas will be improved, which cures sore muscles and aching joints
  • Therapy for exertion – heat treatment by the massagers will prevent stressful muscle pains
  • Lowering of physical and mental stress -oxygen levels in cells and muscles are boosted
  • Sleep is improved – a brief massage session before we sleep can prevent the stress and muscle soreness than may keep us awake
  • Vitalizing our bodies – hand held massagers can assist in preventing or minimizing skin aging and wrinkles

For me, the biggest advantages of hand held massagers are the small size and their capability of providing massages every day, or twice a day – whenever we need a massage. We have no reason to buy a new one whenever we have muscle soreness or a need for better blood circulation.


All of the following are available from Amazon. As an Amazon affiliate, I may benefit from activity on my links. Be sure to check the other options shown with each link, for different price points and characteristics. Amazon is known for its good service and quick delivery.

Percussion massage gun for pain relief

Massager with heat

Mini massage gun

Wooden massager


Enjoy the pleasure of massage at any time you wish! Remember – the above links are accompanied by many other choices, shown at the bottom of information for the massager in the pictures.

There is one that is a heavy massager and I have one of those. They are great but really require someone assisting in the massage. The ones above all work easily with self massage.

I am thinking of doing a post tomorrow on foot massagers. I have one of those and they are really great!

Please leave me any comments or questions in the “Comments” section below. Or email me, richard@myworkoutathome.com.

Be well and don’t forget to relax!


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