This post is for those who want to work out at home, but who lack space for squat racks, Olympic barbells and other large equipment.
Free space in a garage or a large unencumbered room is great, but we don’t always have such roominess at home.
For example, I have one bedroom filled with my desktop computer and a treadmill, another bedroom filled with my inversion table and a third bedroom for sleeping. My workout equipment must generally be used and then set aside.
Still, we may enjoy great workouts if we plan well and know what we are doing.
The secret to fitness and muscular development is consistency of workouts, not the place where we exercise. If we don’t have space for a treadmill or other cardio machine, we always have the outdoors for a run or walk.
There are plenty of workout tools for home workouts with smaller space. I will present some of these today and also show some important workout accessories.
Anyone can choose a few of these and have the necessary equipment for great success with fitness gains.
First of all, Bullworker Fitness has two great pieces that I use, plus several others in their inventory.
The Bullworker Bow Classic is shown above and the Steel Bow is somewhat smaller. I use the Steel Bow for chest development and the Bow Classic for my back. These are high quality tools, quite durable. They give me modes for both isotonic and isometric exercise. I also use the Steel Bow when traveling, to always have a workout option.
My recent post on isometric exercise is shown here.
Check out the Bullworker website for information on all of their products.
As an Amazon affiliate, I am able to choose and recommend relevant items and be rewarded when qualifying purchases are made. Amazon seems to have about anything anyone could want and their products are delivered quickly and with excellent service. Equipment below is available from Amazon.
Resistance bands – for a full body workout. I have used them for many years.
Loop bands, sometimes called booty bands
Small dumbbells, with stand
Push-up board – I use this to deepen push-ups and to change hand positions for different effects
Pull-up bar – maximum load of 800 lbs.
These are home workout adjuncts that improve the exercises or provide comfort. Again, these are from Amazon.
Workout bench – to provide various elevations
Crunch device – I use this to protect my back while doing floor abdominal movements
Exercise mat – for yoga or other workouts
Workout gloves – I haven’t used these, but I sometimes get bruises on my fingers and the backs of my hands
Exercise ball – for yoga, balance and stability
Massage gun – percussion to relieve muscle soreness and improve blood circulation
This brief paragraph will show an exercise journal and a couple of books, form Amazon.
Workout journal – this is an exercise diary, to keep us motivated and accountable to ourselves
Home Workout for Beginners – 6 week program
Strength Training Over 40 – build or maintain strength and energy without “living in the gym”
This is worth repeating – a productive workout routine does not require large space or cumbersome and expensive equipment.
What it does require is consistent use of available equipment and periodic changes of our routines (to keep us motivated).
Please note that my Amazon links point out specific items, but the links also include other similar options that may have different price points or characteristics.
It would also be a good idea to compare the Amazon choices with what Dick’s Sporting Goods has to offer. The DSG link is a permanent part of my website and is located at the side. DSG is currently running specials with deep discounts.
A book is shown above for beginners and another is for those “over 40”.
I have had over 60 years of workout experience. If anyone would like for me to personalize a suggested workout routine for you, just let me know. Include the following information:
- The equipment you have
- Your current level of fitness
- Your goals
- The amount of time you will set aside for a routine
Of course, I can’t offer medical advice, except that you should always check with your doctor before embarking on a new workout program.
As for workout time, I have always been struck by the following – a 30-minute daily workout represents roughly 2% of our day.
If we set aside 8 hours for sleep, we still are only using roughly 3% of our day for a 30-minute workout. That leaves 97% of that day for other pursuits.
It seems to me that how we program or manage our time is essential to success at any level.
Please leave me any questions or comments in the “Comments” section below. Or email me,
Be well!