Over the years, I have worked out at a garage gym, a college weight room, YMCAs, Nautilus gyms, bodybuilding clubs and in my living room or den. When I exercised at public places, I always kept equipment at home. Now, exercising primarily at home, I still keep a public gym membership.

At one point, I did no scheduled workouts at all. I was playing tennis almost daily, which was my workout.

It is quite possible for any of us to get an effective workout at home with no equipment. We can go outside and run, jog or walk. Inside, we can do push-ups, planks, lunges and crunches. But it is inevitable that we will seek new methods and tools as we progress.

I like the motivational quote “The only workout that isn’t effective is the one that we don’t do”.

Space limitations at home may represent a problem for some of us. Fortunately, there are many pieces of equipment that are easily moved and stored after being used. I have used these items for many years, with good results. I have a treadmill and inversion table at home, but this post will address only equipment tools that are smaller.

Amazon and Bullworker are two of my favorite sources for equipment. I am a customer and associate of both. As an affiliate marketer, I am able to use the links of either company and benefit by commissions when sales are converted from the links. This is the essence of affiliate marketing. See in my upper menu – “Become an affiliate marketer” – for information about this.


I have enjoyed being a customer and associate of Amazon. Their fast delivery and service are excellent, as is their range of products. Each link will show pictures, information, prices, reviews and suggestions for similar or complementary items.

Small medicine ball – I have used the 6 lb. version of this ball for several months. I like it for standing woodchops and rotator cuff therapy. See my prior post on this medicine ball.

Push-up board – this board will give us different hand positions for best results for specific muscle groups. Also, the handles allow for a deeper push – up. I have used this for over 5 years.

Resistance bands with handles – this set gives us the option for a complete body workout. I like to attach the bands to my front door and pull them to my side – an effective rowing motion for my back muscles. I also like to pull them back from my elbows, the triceps “kickback” movement.

Loop bands – these are called “booty bands” and are popular with women. I use them for physical therapy and sometimes for seated biceps exercise. Less than $10. Similar item shown below.

Jump rope – tangle free, less than $9. Great for cardio.

Adjustable dumbbell – 25/55 lbs.

Light dumbbell set – with stand

Yoga mat – 1″ thick


Bullworker fitness tools are of high quality. They are also easy to store and to transport if we need a workout option when traveling. They give us both isotonic and isometric modes and are easy on our joints. Resistance springs are loaded within steel tubes and can be replaced quickly as we need to increase or lower the resistance.

I first began to use the Bullworker Steel Bow, shown below. This is my primary tool for chest development.

I also, use the Bullworker Bow Classic, which is a larger version of the Steel Bow. The Bow Classic works well for my back exercise. Both the Steel Bow and the Bow Classic come with handbooks to describe their many uses.

I am using both the Steel Bow and Bow Classic for seated crunch exercises. I like to do 20 reps to my right side, 20 to my left side and then 30 in the middle. This has been an effective way for me to work my abdomen (including the obliques) without getting on a floor for back-bending crunches.

This video shows the Bullworker Bow Classic and the Iso Gym being used in an outdoor core/back routine. I don’t have the Iso Gym, but it looks good to me.

For complete information on Bullworker products, see my link at the side of my website. Click on the red link for the Bullworker website.


My routine is to work out every morning before breakfast. All of my “tools” are shown within this article. I add cardio on my treadmill at least 3-4 times each week and never work arms or upper torso on consecutive days.

I have found that habit formation is the key to progress. Motivation may lapse at times, but an embedded habit takes over and overrules the lapse. I don’t spend hours and hours on my workouts. 30 minutes will do it for me, except on the days I add cardio, which is another 30 minutes.

It still makes sense to me to play a sport daily, though I don’t do this in my senior years. But to play a sport that we love works magically to provide fitness benefits without any thought of this being a “workout”.

Please leave me any comments or questions in the “Comments” section below. Or email me, richard@myworkoutathome.com.

Let’s stay active!


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