I have discovered that I can reduce my blood pressure significantly by slowly breathing through my nose with my mouth shut, then exhaling through my mouth. Deep breathing, down to my abdomen.

Deep breathing was also helpful before attempting a free throw in high school basketball, while briefly resting during court change games in tennis and before addressing a challenging putt in golf.

Deep breathing can relax me at any time (if I remember to).

Physiologically, deep breathing is helpful in many ways:

  • We can take in more oxygen, which is crucial for energy production and overall cellular health.
  • Deep breathing stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which counteracts the “fight or flight” response.
  • It reduces the risk of heart-related issues. It can reduce stress by lowering blood pressure
  • Deep breathing reduces muscle tension, especially in the neck, shoulders and back.

  • It positively impacts digestion by reducing stress. I have found it helpful to practice deep breathing before a meal. This has helped me to lose weight when necessary to do so.
  • Deep breathing improves our lung capacity and efficiency.
  • It can decrease stress hormones, such as cortisol.
  • Deep breathing can reduce insomnia and improve the quality of our sleep by relaxing us before bedtime.

Johns Hopkins Rheumatology explains deep breathing in this brief video.

The remainder of this post will address meditation and suggest videos, books, or other relevant items to promote relaxation.


Meditation is the practice of paying attention to the present moment, with an accepting, non judgmental disposition. It trains our attention and awareness when we focus on a particular object, thought or activity.

We can enhance our emotional stability and help reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression and irritability by meditating.

It is easier to focus with meditation. Our attention and concentration are enhanced. We can even reduce the perception of pain with meditation and improve our pain tolerance.

Regular meditation can contribute to an overall sense of well-being, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Here is a brief video for meditation beginners.

This is a 10-minute video for reducing anxiety. Very soothing.

Mindful gives us 5 science-backed reasons why mindful meditation can improve our health.

  1. It is good for our hearts. It lowers both our systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
  2. It may decrease our cognitive decline from aging or Alzheimer’s.
  3. Mindful meditation may improve our immune response by triggering anti-inflammatory proteins, neutrophils and other disease fighters.
  4. It may reduce cell aging.
  5. It may also reduce psychological pain.

Here is a 10-minute video on meditation for sleep


The “advertising” part of this post will show books, videos and other items from Amazon. As an Amazon associate, I am able to show their links in conjunction with my subject matter.

I may benefit from activity on the links, which has no effect on the pricing. Each link will show descriptions, images, reviews and similar choices at other prices. You can expect fast service and a huge selection of just about anything from Amazon. Join Prime and the service is even better.

Mindfulness. The remarkable truth behind meditation and being present in your life.

Light on Yoga – the Bible of modern yoga.

Empath. A complete guide for developing your gift and finding your sense of self

The daily laws. 366 meditations.

Healing through yoga. Transform loss into empowerment.

Meditation for beginners a DVD

15 minute guided meditation (a video)

Chakra meditations (a video)

Portable nebulizer


In deep breathing, it is important that we breathe through our nose and allow our diaphragm to expand and our abdomen to rise.

This is in my group of articles on workouts because it is a form of a fitness workout. Like developing muscles or cardiovascular health, deep breathing can directly improve our fitness in the ways shown above. Note the list in my first paragraph.

For me, this has not yet developed into a habit. I need to think about it routinely. I know that it works wonders.

Meditation is somewhat similar in that both require our concentration. And both improve our concentration, our ability to focus.

Let’s pay more attention to these proven methods of improving our health and well-being!

Please leave me any comments or questions in the “Comments” section below. Or email me, richard@myworkoutathome.com.

Let’s not forget the simple things!


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