Caroline Wozniacki is a noted Danish professional tennis player, currently advancing to the third round of the U.S. Open. This is a comeback tour for Caroline, since she has not competed seriously since 2020. She has since then given birth to a son and daughter. Her husband is former NBA player, David Lee.

Here is an interview with Caroline, which will introduce us to her personality.

Watching Caroline play yesterday, I was impressed by her obvious fitness and energy. She seems to have the same game that she had as number one player in the world in 2011. She is now 33 years of age.

Caroline works hard to stay in shape. This post will identify her training methods, as she begins to compete with young ladies of her age in 2011.

Caroline says “I’m a big runner, but my body can’t take as much of the pounding, so I’ve had to cut down on that a little bit. Now I use the elliptical, the bike, the StairMaster – all sorts of things to get my heart rate up and save my body”.

As a younger tennis player, Caroline preferred to do cardio, with a little bit of lifting. At this point, her strength training is 50-50 with her cardio. In this way, she is able to keep her body strong and prevent injuries.


Caroline does beach sprints with weights, She will create a square roughly the length of a tennis court at the beach. Then she will grab a barbell plate and toss it over her head and sprint to it. She will repeat this four times. Then she will toss the plate laterally from one side, sprint to it and then toss it from the other side and sprint again.

For the above beach workout and several others, take a look at this video.

Caroline emphasizes her core as she works out. Her favorite core exercise is the single leg barbell hip thrust:

  • With her upper back on a bench, she places a padded barbell against her hips. Her legs are on the floor at a 90 degree angle.
  • She drives her hips upward, with her feet planted close to her glutes. She engages her core as she raises her right leg.
  • She does 8 reps, with her upper body as still as possible.
  • Then she does 8 reps with her left leg being raised.

Caroline also loves boxing drills, since this improves her reactions and provides similar skills to that of tennis – fast arms and fast feet.

She has also been a model for Sports Illustrated.

Caroline’s view on her diet is simply this: “You can have a Ferrari, but if you don’t put the right fuel in it, it’s not going anywhere”.

She loves protein and is sure to include vegetables and carbs. A meal with chicken, broccoli and rice is typical for her.


Not a power player in a relative sense, Caroline wins points by staying in long rallies and outlasting her opponent. For this reason, her fitness level is the key to her success.

Her backhand is considered to be better than her forehand, though last night her forehand was effective throughout the match. In this video, Caroline is working hard on her forehand. Take note, as the stroke is broken down into physical elements.

Her serve is not a weakness, but also not as effective as that of many of her competitors. She hits a few aces, but not as many as her friend Serena Williams (and others) hit to win points.

This video will show Caroline’s serve motion, as well as her service returns. Like most top female tennis players, Caroline practices with men. In this case, she is practicing on a grass court.


This will be a list of the type of fitness products used by Caroline. They are available through Amazon. As an Amazon associate, I may benefit from activity on the links I use in my articles. This does not raise or lower the Amazon prices. As always, Amazon may be counted on for their huge inventory, fast delivery and good service in general. Each link is accompanied by descriptions, reviews, pictures and access to other links to similar choices.

Paddle boards – paddle boarding is one of Caroline’s favorite activities

Punching bag and boxing gloves – Caroline keeps in shape by lots of boxing

Elliptical machine – this is one of Caroline’s favorite fitness machines

Stationary bike – another favorite of Caroline’s

StairMaster – one more cardio machine used by Caroline

Sliders – great for cardio, used by Caroline

Weighted jump rope – very important to Caroline

Medicine ball – used in Caroline’s workouts


I hope that Caroline will advance further at the U.S. Open. She loves New York and New York loves her. If she loses her next match, it will not discourage her. She learns by failing and that is why she wins matches.

As always, I will look for long rallies. This is her game – to outlast an opponent by better fitness. To do this at age 33 rather than 20 will be more of a challenge for her. She enjoys challenges. She has overcome injuries, a layoff because of two pregnancies and a lesser opportunity to practice. The only question is how she will adapt to younger players who hit harder.

In any event, the world of tennis is happy to have her returning to competition. She graces the courts with her energy, beauty and unfailing pleasant demeanor.

Keep up with Caroline at carolinewozniacki.com

Please leave me any comments or questions in the “Comments” section below. Or email me, richard@myworkoutathome.com.

Let’s all watch the U.S. Open!


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