I just finished an article on the benefits of eating fruit – LET’S BE FRUITY. Personally, I eat lots of fruits and nuts, though I try to be careful with the salt content of nuts. Nuts are tasty and convenient to eat. They work well with many diets, from keto to vegan. The protein in nuts makes a good companion to the vitamins and minerals of fruit. Together, they are healthy snacks, often packaged together for hiking or camping.

Nuts are seed kernels that may be used in cooking or as snack food. They contain a hard shell that needs to be cracked open, but most stores will offer them shelled.

The most common nuts include: Almonds, Brazil nuts, Cashews, Hazelnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pecans, Pine nuts, Pistachios and Walnuts.

Nuts are highly nutritious. For example, per Healthline, one ounce of mixed nuts will provide the following:

  • 173 calories
  • 5 grams of protein
  • 9 grams of monounsaturated fat
  • 6 grams of carbs
  • 3 grams of fiber
  • Vitamin E – 12% of RDI
  • Magnesium – 16% of RDI
  • Phosphorous – 16% of RDI
  • Copper – 23% of RDII
  • Manganese – 26% of RDI
  • Selenium – 56% of RDI

Nuts generally work well with a low carb diet.

This post will present the many health benefits of eating nuts and end with practical sources for nuts and gift baskets with nuts.


Nuts are powerful and nutritious for the reasons to be shown below. Several research studies will be cited via Healthline.

ANTIOXIDANTS. Polyphenols in nuts fight against free radicals, which are molecules that may cause cell damage. One study showed that walnuts do a better job to combat free radicals than fish. Another study showed that 2-8 hours after consuming whole pecans, participants had a 26-33% drop in LDL cholesterol, the bad cholesterol.

WEIGHT LOSS. Nuts are considered relatively high in calories, but research shows that our bodies absorb less than the full amount of calories. Example – 129 calories absorbed from a 160-170 calories serving of almonds. One study of the Mediterranean diet found that those who ate nuts lost an average of 2 inches from their waists and more than those given olive oil.

CHOLESTEROL AND TRIGLYCERIDES. Pistachios have been shown to lower triglycerides in people who are overweight and those with diabetes. In this 12 week study, those who ate pistachios had 33% lower triglyceride levels than others. Almonds and hazelnuts were shown to raise the HDL (good) cholesterol and lower the LDL (bad) cholesterol. Several studies showed that macadamia nuts lowered cholesterol as effectively as lower fat diets.

TYPE 2 DIABETES AND METABOLIC SYNDROME. Type 2 diabetes affect millions of people worldwide. Linked closely to type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that raise the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Nuts are low in carbohydrates and don’t raise blood sugar levels significantly. In a 12 week controlled study, those with metabolic syndrome who ate about one ounce of pistachios had an average of 9% decrease in fasting blood sugar.

INFLAMMATION. Nuts are loaded with anti-inflammatory properties. This protects us from injury, bacteria and other pathogens. Some nuts – especially pistachios, Brazil nuts, walnuts and almonds – fight inflammation in healthy people and those with diabetes or kidney disease.

FIBER. Our bodies can’t digest fiber, but this can be done by bacteria living in our colons. Fiber functions as a prebiotic, a type of food for healthy gut bacteria. Fiber also helps us to feel full and reduces the calories that are actually absorbed when we eat. One study showed that a daily increase of 18-36 grams of fiber resulted in up to 130 fewer calories absorbed daily. Here is a list of the nuts with the highest fiber content in a one ounce serving:

  • Almonds. 3.5 grams
  • Pistachios. 2.9 grams
  • Hazelnuts. 2.9 grams
  • Pecans. 2.9 grams
  • Peanuts. 2.6 grams
  • Macadamias. 2.4 grams
  • Brazil nuts. 2.1 grams

HEART ATTACK AND STROKE. Nuts are extremely heart-healthy. They help us with cholesterol levels, LDL (bad cholesterol) particle size, inflammation and artery function. Studies have shown that small LDL particle sizes are more dangerous than the larger sizes. As for HDL (good) cholesterol, nuts increase those levels. In a study, one group was assigned olive oil in a high fat meal, the other group nuts. Those in the nut group were shown to have better artery function and lower fasting triglycerides, regardless of their starting points.

Quick tips: nuts can be enjoyed whole, as nut butter or chopped up on food. They are healthiest when raw of toasted. They can be stored at room temperature, in the fridge or in the freezer.


Nuts can be found at at any food store, but Amazon gives us the option of leisurely checking out a wide variety of choices if we wish to shop from home.

As an Amazon associate, I like to use their links within my subject matter. I may earn from activity on the links, which is affiliate marketing. For more information on affiliate marketing, see my upper menu – BECOME AN AFFILIATE MARKETER.

Each link will show full information, pictures, pricing and suggestions for other similar choices. Take a look!

Planters mixed nuts – 27 ounces

Mixed nuts in shells – 6 lbs.

Pistachio mix – one lb.

Nut and chocolate mix – 39 ounces

Trail mix packs – 24 packs

Pecan halves – 16 ounces

Mixed nuts, roasted and unsalted – 3 lbs.

Mixed nuts, i ounce snack packs – 22 packs

Roasted Brazil nuts – one lb.

Walnuts – 40 ounces

Gourmet nuts gift basket 2.2 lbs.

Mixed nuts gift basket in reusable tray – 12 assortments


More than 3000 products. Check them out.



Nuts are great sources of protein, healthy fats, vitamins, fiber and minerals. Nuts and seeds regulate body fat since their fats are not fully absorbed and and they regulate food intake.

Nuts make us happy since they release neurotransmitters, endocrine hormones and healthy fats that keep our brains happy. Also, nuts have these nutrients:

  • Tryptophan – which produces serotonin to improve our moods
  • Zinc – which reduces anxiety
  • Magnesium – to combat depression

Nuts are unique in that they can help us lose weight, even though they are high in calories.

My suggestion – eat them in moderation as a healthy addition to a balanced meal.

Please leave me any comments or questions in the “Comments” section below.

Be well!


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