It is quite easy to find dumbbells. Get them at WalMart, most sporting goods stores (such as Dick’s Sporting Goods), online from Amazon and other sources. Dumbbells are for targeting specific muscles or muscle groups, as opposed to barbells, machines or other devices that may be used for compound effect. You don’t need a large variety of dumbbells for productive home workouts. After over 60 years of weight training, I have only sets of 15, 20, 30 and 40 pound dumbbells. At this point, I rarely use the 40 pound set. I found my dumbbells at a store featuring used sporting goods. Why not? Are they going to depreciate?

I would recommend that a beginner find a pair of 5 pound dumbbells. Maybe 10 or 15 pounds if you are stronger than most beginners.  A You Tube video is coming up. This will show dumbbell use for almost all muscle groups.  A chest exercise was not included, apparently because extra “equipment” is needed. A small bench or ottoman is necessary. I use an exercise ball for this. Position yourself on your “bench”, face up. Extend bent arms to the sides, holding the dumbbells. Slowly raise both arms to a point where the dumbbells meet over your chest. Think of hugging a tree trunk from a prone position. Lower to the sides and repeat for 10-12 reps. Now, pay attention to Amy. She is charismatic and motivating.

Here is the dumbbell workout program from “Bodyfit by Amy” https://www.google.com/search?q=simple+dumbbell+workout+for+beginners&rlz=1C1AVFC_enUS831US831&oq=simple+dumbbell+workouts+for+beginners&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l3.19819j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=1


Abduction. Moving a limb away from the middle of your body

Adduction. Moving a limb toward the middle of your body.

Aerobic exercise. Prolonged moderate intensity work that uses up oxygen at or below the level at which your cardiorespiratory can replenish oxygen in the working muscles.

Burn. A burning sensation in a muscle caused by a rapid increase of fatigue toxins. This is beneficial and indicates optimal training for experienced bodybuilders.

Calories. The unit to measure the energy value of foods.

Concentric. The lifting phase of an exercise, also known as the positive phase.

Dead lift. A powerlifting event wherein very heavy weights are lifted off the floor to waist level.

Definition. The absence of fat over clearly delineated muscles.

Eccentric. The lowering or negative phase of a movement. Very productive,

Failure. The point at which the working muscle is so fatigued that no further reps are possible. Experienced bodybuilders like to reach this point and then continue with help from a training partner.

Fast twitch. Muscle cells that fire quickly, useful in sprinting or powerlifting.

Flush. To cleanse a muscle by increasing the blood supply and thereby removing toxins.

Glycogen. Stored form of carbohydrate energy in muscles, or glucose. Full glycogen brings about full muscles.

Hypertrophy. Overloading muscles to increase muscle mass and strength.

Isometric exercise. Muscle contraction where the muscle maintains a constant length and joints do not move.

Isotonic exercise. Changing the length of a muscle while keeping constant tension.

Lean body mass. Everything in the body except fat. 50-60 % of this is water.

Metabolism. The use of nutrients by the body. The process by which substances come into the body and the rate at which they are used.

Muscle tone. State in which muscles are slightly contracted and appear firm.

Obliques. Muscles to the side of the abdominals  (external obliques). They rotate and flex the trunk.

Progressive resistance. Increasing resistance as muscles grow and become stronger. The “backbone” of bodybuilding.

Ripped. Slang for extreme muscularity.

Set. A group of reps, after which rest is usually taken.

Traps. Slang for the trapezius muscles of the back and neck.

Upper abs. Abdominal muscles above the navel.


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